Monday, October 17, 2011


The life of a peasant in Bangladesh is a sad tale of poverty and misery. He passes his day in want and distress all the year round. He lives from hand to mouth. He goes without food. He leads a very hard life.
     We live at present in the civilized world having modern amenities of life. But a peasant of Bangladesh is deprived of all these. Our peasants mainly live in villages. They have been suffering from constant poverty. They are helpless victims to the forces of nature. The rain pours down through their leaky roofs, the sun burns their skin and the mosquitoes bite them cruelly. They cannot give adequate food and clothes to their children. They die before their eyes for want of medicine. They cannot educate their children.
    The daily life of a peasant in Bangladesh is one of endless struggle. For the most part of the year he practically finds no work to do. In the morning he smokes tobacco in a hukka and says his morning prayers after proper wash. Then he eats watered rice with green chilly and onion and goes in search of work. He is lucky enough food for his family. So he very often starves with his wife and children. In the rainy season he keeps busy in the paddy fields. He does not find time to come home to have his meals.
    A peasant of Bangladesh is ignorant of the outside world. He follows the old method of cultivation. He is not thought to be enough by him. He is rather used to these miseries.
     A peasant is an indispensable person in the national life of Bangladesh. Attempts should be taken to improve his hard lot. The present government has devised. Some policies for improving the financial condition of the peasants of our country.

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