Monday, October 17, 2011


Bangladesh is an under developing country. She is trying her level best to develop her infrastructure and super structure. Road communication is the intra-structure in Bangladesh that is not in a satisfactory condition. The modern economy is dependent on the upliftment of road communication for its smooth exposure. The total conditions of road communication in Bangladesh are a common phenomenon. This is because of the poor condition of our roads and streets.
   There are metalled and unmetalled roads in Bangladesh. The metalled roads are there in the cities and in the town. Most of the metalled roads have covered the inter-district communication of the country. The unmetalled roads are there in the rural areas or in the hilly regions. During the rainy season the condition of the unmetalled roads becomes deplorable because they become muddy and people feel troubled to move on them.
   The inter-district road communication in Bangladesh is, to some extents, good. But on many places there are small holes that cause severe accidents. The bus drivers can carry passengers from one district to another playing along the inter-district roads. The trucks, private cars and different kinds of auto miles follow these roads to go from one district to another.
    There are some highways in Bangladesh that are superior to other ways in quality. The Dhaka-Chittagong highway deserves the credit of being fine and smooth. There are some productive bridges in Bangladesh that are playing vital role in road communication. Among them the Jamuna Multifarious Bridge linking the north with south, the China- Bangladesh Friendship Bride the liking are important and worth-mentionable. There are many culverts in Bangladesh especially in the regional areas that are helping a lot in road communication sector.
     Last of all, we can say that road communication in Bangladesh must be upgraded fpr our betterment. By-pass roads are required to be completed to make the highways tree from vehicle jam. The poor structure of the roads needs to be remodeled so that drivers can drive modern vehicles smoothly. Then we can have a standard road communication in Bangladesh.


Bangladesh is a land of rivers. No other country of the world has any so many rivers. The rivers of Bangladesh are very wide. During the rainy season some of the look likes big arms of the sea. The important rivers in Bangladesh are the Padma, the Meghna, the Karnafuli and the Brahmaputra. They are full to the brim in the rainy season. There are different kinds of rivers-the main rivers, branches and tributaries. Almost all the river, mainly the big rivers are navigable. They flow all the year round. The small river is navigable only during the rainy season. There are lakes and bells in our country.                                                                                                                      Various kinds of fishes are found in our rivers. The Padma is the home of hilsha fishes. The fishes caught in our rivers are sufficient to meet our demand. We can also export them to foreign countries.
       Rivers play an important part in the economy of a country. Bangladesh is a land of rivers. There are different kinds of rivers-the main rivers, branches and tributaries. Almost all the rivers, mainly the big rivers are navigable. They flow all the year round. The small rivers are navigable only during the rainy season. There are lakes and beels in our country.
     The irrigation works for our agriculture are possible as we have rivers, lakes and big beels. During the dry season, they are the only source of water supply. Dams and embankments can be built, across the lakes, beels and rivers to store water during the rainy season. Canal can be dug to carry water to the field.
   Various kinds of fishes are found in our rivers. The Padma is the home of Hilsha fishes. The fishes caught in our rivers are sufficient to meet our demand. We can also export them to foreign countries.
    The fishes obtained from the rivers of Bangladesh are the main source of our protein food. Over 5 lack people live by fishing in these rivers. It goes a long way to solve the unemployment problem of our country. Bangladesh exports thousands of quintals of fishes. So the rivers are the sources of our foreign trade for earning foreign currency.
    Generally water power is generated from the flowing water of some rivers. Most of the rivers of the north-east region of the country can be used for this purpose. We have a hydro-electric project at kapti.
    Our rivers are easy means of communication. Men and goods are carried by boats, launches, steamers etc.
     Bangladesh is an agricultural country. Her main crops are paddy and jute. They require a good deal of water for their successful growth. Rivers help them to grow in plenty. As there are many navigable rivers in our country, we have many trading-towns on these rivers. These trading towns play an important part in the economy of our country.
      At times rivers overflow their banks and cause floods. During such floods many lives, properties and crops are lost. So the rivers may cause our sorrow.
      The beauty of the rivers with the scenery of their banks is indeed charming. The shallow rivers should be excavated for their flow.



The life of a peasant in Bangladesh is a sad tale of poverty and misery. He passes his day in want and distress all the year round. He lives from hand to mouth. He goes without food. He leads a very hard life.
     We live at present in the civilized world having modern amenities of life. But a peasant of Bangladesh is deprived of all these. Our peasants mainly live in villages. They have been suffering from constant poverty. They are helpless victims to the forces of nature. The rain pours down through their leaky roofs, the sun burns their skin and the mosquitoes bite them cruelly. They cannot give adequate food and clothes to their children. They die before their eyes for want of medicine. They cannot educate their children.
    The daily life of a peasant in Bangladesh is one of endless struggle. For the most part of the year he practically finds no work to do. In the morning he smokes tobacco in a hukka and says his morning prayers after proper wash. Then he eats watered rice with green chilly and onion and goes in search of work. He is lucky enough food for his family. So he very often starves with his wife and children. In the rainy season he keeps busy in the paddy fields. He does not find time to come home to have his meals.
    A peasant of Bangladesh is ignorant of the outside world. He follows the old method of cultivation. He is not thought to be enough by him. He is rather used to these miseries.
     A peasant is an indispensable person in the national life of Bangladesh. Attempts should be taken to improve his hard lot. The present government has devised. Some policies for improving the financial condition of the peasants of our country.


Flowers are gifts of nature. They give us colour, smell, beauty and charm. The flower is a thing of beauty. It is the most beautiful creation of Allah. It adds to the beauty not of nature but also of everything. So all people are fond of flowers.
    Flowers grow almost everywhere in the world. Bangladesh is rich in flowers. Many flowers bloom in this country and add to her beauty. Her bushes and gardens are full of flowers of different colour in spring. Other seasons have also their special supplies of flowers.
   Some flowers are cultivation and some are wild. We have got different flowers in different seasons. ‘Krishnachura’, ‘Bakul’, ‘shimul’, ‘Palash’ etc. bloom in the spring season. The rose ‘Genda’, Bely, Jui, kamini, ‘Madhabilata’, ‘Kadamba’, ‘Malati’, ‘Gandharaj’ and ‘Surjamukhi’ etc. bloom during the autumn and winter season. During the rainy season we have ‘Hasnahena’, ‘Kathali Champa’, ‘Keya’, and ‘Dolan Champa’ etc. Shapla is our national flower. The marigold and champa have golden hue. The marigold grows in winter.
    The rose is the year queen of all flowers. It differs in colour. It gives sweet smell. It is appreciated all over the country for its colour, shape and sweet smell.
    It grows all the year round. The ‘Jaba’ also blooms throughout the year. The water Lilies and the Lotus grow in water. Besides these, many foreign flowers and wild flowers are grown in plenty in our country.
    Some flowers are both beautiful and sweet-scented. Some are beautiful only. They have no scent. They add to the beauty of our gardens. The sweet scent of our flowers refreshes our air and environment. We use flowers for decoration also. We make garlands for guests and respected persons. Many people grow flowers, sell them and maintain their family with the income. Rose water and scent are made of flowers. We get honey from flowers.
    Bangladesh is full of flowers. Where we cast our gaze we can see flowers of some kind or other. They are the most beautiful and pure object of nature. Indeed, we love flowers very much. Flowers are getting more and more importance role in the economy of the country if we can export them.


  Bangladesh, a small and beautiful country, is land of small and beautiful birds. Singing and twittering and whistling of dreamlike small birds, before dawn, in the morning and evening, make us happy. You will not find world-famous birds like eagles, swans, falcons, peacocks, and cranes in Bangladesh, but you will fine countless small birds among the leaves of trees,in bushes,in ponds and marshy lands. They are our native birds.Whenever I think of birds I think of a Doel(Magpie Robin),aCharui(Sparrow),a Tuntuni(Warbler)a Shalik(Myna),a Kak(Crow,Raven),a Ghughu(Dove),a Bak(Heron,Egret,Pond Heron)a Mayna(Myna)a Kabutar(Pigeon),a Machranga(Kingfisher),a Kaththokra(Woodpecker)a Bulbuli(Bulbul),a Babui.Birds are wonderful creations of Allah. Bangladesh is a land of birds. There are different types of birds. They live in different trees and plants in our country.
            The crow is the most common of all the birds. it is an early riser. When it caws at dawn, we know that the night is over. It is a black and ugly bird its voice is harsh. It is very cunning. It steals our food. At times it snatches food from children whenever it gets chance. It eats all kinds of rotten and dirty things. It is called the sweeper of the nature.
            The cuckoo, the doel, the bau-katha-kao etc. are some of the signing birds. The cuckoo is liked by all for its sweet voice. It comes in the spring.
            The parrot, the mayna, the shalik, the shyma and the chandana are talking birds. They can imitate the voice of man. So they are often kept as pets.
            There are some birds which build their nests with great skill. The swallow, the tuntuni and the babul are the tailor birds.
            The kite and the hawk are birds of prey. The crane and the kingfisher are found near watery places. The vulture is a big and ugly bird. It eats dead bodies of animals.
            The dove, the pigeon, the heron, the goose, the chakha etc. are some of the common birds of Bangladesh. Their meat is tasteful and delicious. These birds are knows as game birds. Many game birds come from foreign land during Autumn and Winter. The rest of them live in the wild or in old building. Owls generally live in barns and other buildings.
            The birds is a beautiful creation of Allah. Some of them provide good for us. We should be kind to them.We should take care of them and save them from destruction.


The land of Bangladesh is very fertile. Various kinds of fruits grow here in plenty. So Bangladesh may be called the land of fruits. The fertile land of Bangladesh helps to produce fruits well. She produces various kinds of fruits. So it is called the land of fruits. Fruits are delicious and nutritious. Both children and grown-up people are equally fond of fruits.
   There are various kinds of fruits in Bangladesh. Some of them are very big in size. While some are very small, some fruits are of medium size too. Some are very sweet in taste, some are sour and some, again, are bitter.
  Bangladesh produces fruits in a large quantity. Almost every house has its own fruit trees for domestic use.
   The mango is the most popular fruit. It is called the king of fruits. Rajshahi, black-berries and Bogra produce the best kinds of mangoes in Bangladesh. The Langra, the Fazli, the Gopalbhog and the Mohanbhog are very delicious fruits.
   Next to the mango are bananas, pine-apples, jack- fruits, plums, guavas, black-berries and many other fruits. Children are very fond of plums and guavas. The black-berry is also a favourite fruit. The banana is a popular fruit. It is liked by all. The pine-apple is another delicious fruit. The best variety of pine-apple is found in the districts of Sylhet, Comilla and Rangamati. The orange is also a delicious fruit. It is good for health. The coconut is also a common fruits. Its kernel is tasty and nutritious. The water of a green coconut is a sweet drink. We get coconut oil from the coconut. It grows abundantly in Barisal, Khulna, Patuakhali and Noakhali.
    The food value of the fruits is very great, especially in respect of vitamins. The fruits have some bio-chemical elements which keep our body fit and free from diseases. So they are essential for general health because they supply vitamins and minerals.
    The production of our fruits can be increased much by exporting different fruits.
    Bangladesh is a good producer of fruits. So the proverb goes that every season has its special fruits in Bangladesh. We should take care of our orchards in all possible ways.


Dazzling the long the past of the region, Bangladesh has a culture that encompasses rudiments together old and new. The Bengali language boasts a well-off legendary birthright, which Bangladesh shares with the Indian situation of West Bengal. The most basic legendary text in Bengali is the 8th century Charyapada. Medieval Bengali text was a lot either religious (for instance, Chandidas), or modified from extra languages (for instance, Alaol). Bengali literature reached its full expression in the 19th century, with its maximum icons being poets Rabindranath Tagore, Michael Madhusudan Dutt and Kazi Nazrul Islam. Bangladesh too has a long institution in folk literature, for instance Maimansingha Gitika, Thakurmar Jhuli and stories connected to Gopal Bhar, Birbal also Molla Nasiruddin.

The melodic habit of Bangladesh is lyrics-based (Baniprodhan), by negligible influential supplement. The Baul custom is a distinctive part of Bengali folk tune. Many other musical civilizations survive as well as Gombhira, Bhatiali and Bhawaiya, anecdotal as of one region to the next. Folk music is frequently accompanied by the ektara, an implement by only one string. Extra instruments comprise the dotara, dhol, flute and tabla. Bangladesh also has a lively inheritance in North Indian classical music. Likewise, Bangladeshi dance forms sketch from folk civilization, particularly those of the ancestral groups, on top of the broader Indian dance habit.

Bangladesh produces concerning 80 films a time. Mainstream Hindi films are too rather well-liked. About 200 daily newspapers are in print in Bangladesh, all along with extra than 500 periodicals. Though, usual readership is low at now under 15% of the population. Bangladeshis pay attention to a diversity of restricted and national radio programs like Bangladesh Betar. Four confidential FM means of communication stations named (Radio Foorti, ABC Radio, Radio Today, and Radio Amar) are well-liked amongst urban youths. Worldwide Bengali language broadcasts comprise BBC Bangla and Voice of America. The dominant television strait is the state-owned Bangladesh Television, but in the previous little years, confidentially owned channels have urbanized significantly.

The cooking tradition of Bangladesh has shut relations to near North-East Indian and center Eastern cuisine on top of having its possess unique traits. Rice and fish are customary favorites. Bangladeshis create characteristic sweetmeats from milk crop, a number of ordinary ones being Rôshogolla, Rasmalai|Rôshomalai, chômchôm and kalojam.

The sari (shaŗi) is by remote the majority extensively shabby clothing by Bangladeshi women. A union of weavers in Dhaka is famous for producing saris from beautiful Jamdani muslin. The salwar kameez (shaloar kamiz) is too quite well-liked, and in urban areas a number of women wear western attire. In the middle of men, western clothing is more extensively adopted. Men also wear the kurta-paejama amalgamation, frequently on religious occasions, and the lungi, a type of lengthy skirt for men.

Eid ul-Fitr and Eid ul-Adha, being the mainly significant holidays in the Islamic calendar, is the subject of main festivals. The day previous to Eid ul-Fitr is called Chãd Rat (the night of the moon) and is frequently celebrated by firecrackers. Eid ul-Adha is renowned in the memory of huge give up of clairvoyant Abraham. Chief Hindu festivals are Durga Puja, Kali Puja and Saraswati Puja. Buddha Purnima, which script the birth of Gautama Buddha, and Christmas, called Bôŗodin (Great day), are together nationwide holidays. The mainly significant worldly fair is Pohela Baishakh or Bengali New Year, the opening of the Bengali calendar. Extra festivities comprise Nobanno, Poush parbon (festival of Poush) and ceremony of national days similar to Shohid Dibosh and Victory Day